We understand that true transformation encompasses every facet of your being. Our multidimensional approach combines talks, workshops, retreats and products to help with your self-development and personal transformational journey. We see each of these elements as a brushstroke on the canvas of your life, creating a masterpiece of personal growth and happiness.
Founding Membership
Must have one founding member reference
Bring up to 4 people to retreats/events
Get priority for all retreats/events
Annual Joining Fee: £1,000 (redeemable through first retreat)
General Membership
No reference required
Bring up to 2 people to retreats/events
Annual Joining Fee: £2,500 ( with £1,000 redeemable through first retreat)
An integrative approach to wellbeing that encompasses your entire being—body, mind, and heart. Our retreats are designed with a wide range of disciplines including: martial arts for physical vitality; visualisation for mental clarity; hypnosis for profound self-discovery; yoga for holistic balance ; sound baths for emotional resonance ; creative arts for expression; nutrition for nourishment ; coaching for personal growth ; meditation for inner peace, and so much more.